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Journey Updates:
January 29, 2022
My latest release, Just Between Us, is now available on Amazon in print or Kindle formats since January 20, 2022. I am excited to get this Adult Black/African American romance in your hands. Please leave reviews. Enjoy!
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Cassandra Ulrich was born on the beautiful island of St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands, located east of Puerto Rico. Living in the tropics allowed her imagination and day dreams to flourish. For years, she wrote poetry and entered competitions. However, only many years later did she discover joy in writing stories longer than a few pages.
She published her first young adult novel, “A Beautiful Girl”, in April 2011. The inspirational novel has already touched many hearts ranging from teens to adults.
Her second novel, “Love’s Intensity”, is a teen paranormal romance and was released on July 11, 2013.
Her third, “Billiard Buddies”, a New Adult romance novella, was released on May 24, 2014.
On June 25, 2014, she published/released “Real Purpose: You Are Special”, poetry written while in high school and college. She released “Life Experienced” later that summer.
On June 25, 2016, she published/released two more poetical compilations: “Encouraging Through Sharing: A Christian’s Perspective” and “A Love Gift”. I Exist. Hear Me. won first place in the South Jersey Writers’ Group 2018 Poetry Contest.
She also has one manuscript, If It Kills Me, in contract with Keith Publications, and her short story Zale’s Tale won a spot in “Beach Fun” released by Cat & Mouse Press in October 2018.
South Jersey Writers’ Group voted her ‘Writer of the Year’ for 2018 and again in 2021.
Short story, Battle at Kitee, made it to the semi-finals in the Mad Scientist 2019 Science Fiction Writing contest.
New Adult novella, “If It Kills Me”, was released on September 21, 2020.
YA SciFi Adventure, “Danny R.O.S.S.,” was released on November 1, 2020.
In 2021, two non-fiction stories got published in Chicken Soup for the Soul’s “I’m Speaking Now” and “Tough Times Won’t Last But Tough People Will.”
Her latest, Black/African American Romance, “Just Between Us,” was released on January 20, 2022.
She is also a Do What’s Write Writer’s Group & Podcast co-host.
I’d really hoped the last short story would wow the judges, but no such fortune. It’s a bit discouraging to have stories rejected 4 years in a row, but I refuse to give up. It’s challenging, though, to work through the emotions. Creating a story and having it critiqued takes time and hard work. The …
Back in my May 2022 post, I said I’d announce my next release “in a few months.” Well, the time is now. I will be dipping my toes into Kindle Vella with the first part of my Cop & Vampire story. I had a cover made, and the blurb is in review. Since Vella is …
With a tendency toward working on multiple projects at the same time, I applied edits to another NaNoWriMo 2021 story–Demon Spawned–while I continued improving part two of my Cop & Vampire story. How do I manage this? Basically, I submitted Cop & Vampire 2 to a South Jersey Writers Group (SJWG) critique group while my …
After walking in on her cheating fiancé, will Tosha, a pregnant single mom, allow blind date Zach to win her heart?
Reviews for Just Between Us:
Assaldra Oates says, “You must read this to find out what love looks like and how to recognize it in your life with your family, with your friends, and within you. Both Zach and Tosha take time to reflect on their individual truth and what they are willing to do to honor it. Every time I read this, I uncover a detail that I missed before. So, it becomes a new quest to reveal what else is lurking in the recesses of each scenario. It is rare that I will read a book over and over again, but this one is worthy of my annual reading list. The excitement that comes from following these characters provides me just the right level of hope and joy to carry me through the year.”
After six months in a coma, he woke up with eyes not his own.
Reviews for Danny R.O.S.S.:
Action, technology, science fiction and romance, this wonderful new book combines them all. The reader is pulled into the story from the first page. The characters are well written and you can’t help rooting for Danny to conquer the bad guys and win the heart of the beautiful doctor. I’m hoping that this is the beginning of a series because I want to get to know what happens next.
Jaeson is determined to let Jessica know how much he loves her…even if he dies trying.
Reviews for If It Kills Me: Angel Brown said, “Cassandra delves into such a sweet romance. Jason is romantic and respectful. By the time you’re into this book, you’ll want to jack Rick and string him up wondering what is wrong with him while silently rooting for Jaeson.
I was enthralled and pulled into this book. I fell in love with the characters as much as I did the clean storyline. Her writing is very impeccable and easily shows rather than tells.”
Are Adelle and Brandon destined to be friends for life or will he finally see her as something more?
Reviews for Adelle and Brandon: A Kindle customer says “This was a fun young adult read. It had messages of being true to yourself and taking chances. Well written book that will have you believing in love all over again!”
Sean thinks he can beat Gina at pool. She’d like to see him try. No guy has beaten her yet.
Who will be the overall pool champion?
Gina is ruthless at her favored game. Will Sean’s endearing nature cause her to falter? Her heart has experienced enough heartbreak to last a lifetime. This game can have only one winner…and it’s got to be her.
An introduction:
Gina, a female pool shark, has yet to find her match around any pool table in a local NYC bar. That is, until Sean shows up to represent his friend, Pete, and the other guys in a show of how men can take back the game. Gina would not be so easily overcome. Her prowess at the table pushes his limits. How will he thwart her game? Will she allow his friendly disposition to throw her off guard.
Reviews for Billiard Buddies: Carmen Stefanescu says “Billiard Buddies is a pleasant pastime read for a rainy afternoon, making you feel good. The author, Cassandra Ulrich, has a great handle on her characters’ personalities and uses them to tell a lively and creative tale of love. A story that’s heartwarming and keeps you wanting to know what happens next. Gina is not only a great kindergarten teacher but also a talented pool player. She finds no match in any of the boys at the bar. Not at all. Until she meets Sean.
“I hear you play a mean pool game,” Sean started. He couldn’t help but agree that she was cute, her round 1920’s features hugged by blond curls that bounced just above her jaw line when she turned to face him. Her smile accentuated her sparkling eyes.
The pool game between Gina and Sean in Chapter Two is a masterful depiction of luring, foreplay and seduction. The detailed description of the billieard game is the proof that the author, Cassandra Ulrich, knows extremely well this interesting game.
Cindy and Hank are obstacles in the path of a burgeoning feeling. Gene the gay cousin is a character that counter balances the turmoil of emotions Gina and Sean pass through.
It is a typical story, girl meets boy, but at the same time a very interesting one. The hero was so lovable and funny and he kept a high spirit throughout the story. The heroine was strong and with a big heart. The sexual chemistry and romance are good. The romantic tension between the hero and heroine is the best I have seen lately. I liked heroine’s grit combined with her innocence. I loved it all. Definitely going to look out for this author in the future. All said, I thoroughly enjoyed this novel.”
Bookworm for Kids says “It was refreshing to read an inter-cultural romance. Kressa is a pure-blooded Mexican, and this is brought out very well – clashed against the all-American boy, Brad. ~ The characters are enjoyable. ~ The romance was sweet, growing slowly with tons of uncertainty – like a real teenage romance does. I enjoyed the natural way this was dealt with and the unexpected problems that can arise in a cross-cultural relationship.”
Darlene’s Book Reviews says “My rating: 4 of 5 stars. I enjoyed the book, there was a lot of things going on in this story, some humorous, others drama. ~ I would recommend this book to young teens and young adults.”
Unabridged Andra says “Both characters had motives and agendas outside of just”lurveee”. This made for a much more interesting story in my opinion. I liked how the funny moments blended well with the dramatic ones. You have a blend of pacing, character development, and action that really made me want to keep reading the whole way through. The paranormal element was well done as well, making the supernatural ~ seem realistic and normal. I really enjoyed it! Definitely give this book a try if you like cute romances or just an overall good story!”
Musings from an Addicted Reader says “Filled with angst, nerves, and a few surprising elements to the story this was an excellent young adult read.”
Love, Laughter, Friendship says “Wow, this book has a lot going on it but in a good way. What would you do if found out that the ”help” had a past with the very people that you worked for? That’s what Brad and Kressa face in the book. Brad’s dad was best friend’s with Kressa’s mom growing up and that [didn’t] sit well with Brad’s stepmom. Loved that little conflict in the book. Kept the adults interesting and not just window dressing in the book. Too often parents in YA books are forgotten about or worse, just window dressing. ~ I highly recommend Love’s Intensity…”
Reviews for A Beautiful Girl:
Karen Kelly Boyce says “I had the pleasure of reading A Beautiful Girl by Cassandra Ulrich this week. It took me by surprise! The author uses a unique technique of changing the point of view with each chapter. We see events from the point of view of the main character Sara Miller. In the following chapter, we see the same event through the eyes of her boyfriend Rick Conner. I found it interesting and refreshing to follow the story from different Points of View. When I was growing up I was taught that each story has three sides, yours, the other fellow’s, and the truth. By writing her novel in this way C. Ulrich allows the reader to be the `truth’ point of view. I found it fascinating. ~ The subject matter of childhood sexual abuse is important and eye-opening. There are so many children who find themselves in similar circumstances who would benefit from this novel.”
Suzanne Y Snow says “Ulrich takes on this delicate storyline with style and sensitivity that draws the readers immediately into her complex, yet identifiable, characters’ world. She’s definitely an up-and-coming author with plenty to offer.”